Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, October 14, 2013

Watch out world! Here comes #3!

Yep. It's true. Someone decided we weren't challenged enough with the twins so added another whirlwind of a surprise to our world. I think Dusty was secretly hoping for a boy to help even out the household but Dr. Rowe's swears it's another girl which is fine with me.

I found out on Dusty's birthday. I had been feeling sick for about a month and a half and it didn't even dawn on me I might be pregnant till someone in my office said I didn't look good and asked if I was pregnant. Of course, my reaction was "Heck no" but then as I made the drive home, all the pieces started falling in place. I actually started to cry on the way to buy the test for several reasons. One... obviously the hormones were already kicking in.  Two... because, are you kidding me, I'm 37... but the main one was that I knew Suzy was looking down on me laughing so hard she was crying. I remember the day she told me she was 5 months pregnant and I laughed because who doesn't know they are pregnant... yeah, the irony...Suzy Gregory... you got the last laugh as always...

When Dusty got home from work, I told him I had his birthday present for him, had him close his eyes and when he opened them, I showed him the test. The first thing out of his mouth was "Ha ha. You borrowed that from Erin (our friend who had just told us a few weeks earlier, she was pregnant). My only thought was that's gross, who loans out pee sticks? But then again, apparently you can buy them on ebay so must be a popular item. Who would have thought?

I was pretty sick in the beginning and even on the pump again but by week 14, I had stopped it and things seem to be pretty normal since then. You know, tired, uncomfortable, hungry every two hours and bathroom breaks on the hour but I can deal with that compared to last time.

The girls are super excited about their baby sister. This was after Aunt Debs had convinced them it was a baby brother and his name was Jesus. Brylee still asks about Jesus every now and then.  It's cute. So, as we prepare for baby girl #3, prepare yourself for the blog updates and pics to come soon!