I went to see Dr. Rowe Tuesday morning. I knew things had changed. I was getting up every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom so the space in their was definitely limited and every time I rolled over or attempted to roll over, it was a 10
minute process to say the least.
Once at Dr. Rowe's office, he said my cervix had shortened to 1.2 (it had been 2.4 a week before) and as they were attempting to do the ultrasound, I was having contractions every 1-2 minutes. The fluid had gone from 31 the week before to 38 (30 is too much). He said he was admitting me to the hospital. The good thing was that Baby B is 3lbs 9 oz and Baby A is at least 2 lb 14 oz. She was so low and the contractions were so often, they couldn't get a good measurement.
Once I got to the
hospital, they put me on an IV and some
meds to slow the contractions. He wants to drain some of the fluid on Wednesday so that I can make it a little longer.
I got my own room and there is an extra bed for Dusty. As he is settling in, he turns to me and says "I know this kinda sucks for you, but it's kinda like vacation for me." I look over at him and he is sipping his free coffee the nurses gave him, playing with the adjustable bed to make sure his bed and feet are at the right height, getting the wireless connected on his laptop, flipping through channels on the
tv and looking at the window at his view. Rough life I told him. I rolled over and went to sleep (but of course not after stopping at the bathroom along the way).
Later my mom and Deborah came up to the hospital. They, of course, asked about names. Why does everyone keep asking??? What is wrong with Baby A and Baby B? Anyway, they decided to put a bunch of names in a hat and draw two. Of course, no paper and no hat so the next thing that happens is Dusty is writing names on a paper towel and stuffing them in the container that usually has water in it. I am sure this gave some of the names a definite advantage as they weren't the ones sticking to the container, but I guess you could say it was survival of the fittest. This would have been a good plan but there were also some names that Dusty just threw in for fun and weren't on the approved list, so needless to say, still Baby A and Baby B.
Wednesday morning we met with Dr. Rowe again and decided
draining the fluid would be the best option. The risk is that I could go into labor but without doing it, that was probably going to happen anyway. I ended up doing it around 4pm. We gave me some
drugs but apparently not enough the first go round. I was pretty coherent when they were draining the fluid from the first spot and so they gave me some more
meds before the starting the second. At least, that is wha
t I think happened. I remember coming back to my room, rolling into bed and Dusty saying he was leaving but my mom was coming up. The next thing I
remember is halfway opening my eyes, seeing my mom standing over me
and she just kept asking questions. I am not sure I really knew what she was asking so I just kept saying "I don't know". Note to self and everyone else who has a mother, when you get out of a procedure that involves the well-being of their daughter and future
grand kids, do not keep telling someone you don't know. Especially, when they are asking, how did it go, what did the doctor say, how do you feel, your phone is ringing off the hook (I
sincerely apologize to everyone who called and thought I was in labor. We will have a better plan for that in the future). Once Dusty got here, he gave my mom the update. They drained 2 liters of fluid, level was down from 38 to 18 and babies were good and still inside. Obviously, the last being the best part.
The second best part was that Wednesday night I slept 6 hours straight until the
nurse had to come wake me up to give me my medicine. That hasn't happened in months and I couldn't feel better! Today I am feeling a million times better. My belly is not a rock but soft and squishy like it probably should have been the last few weeks. Friday morning they are going to do an ultrasound and remeasure the fluid to see if it is staying down. That will probably determine my fate the next few weeks. Originally, Dr. Rowe said I would probably be here a few days. I now think he lied which was probably smart on his behalf because sometimes I can be a little stubborn. However, today I had lunch with the other girls on the floor. Apparently every Thursday, they wheel everyone who wants to go into the same room and let them talk to each other. After hearing their stories, I realized this may be a while. All of them are having twins, not as far along as me and have been here minimum 2 weeks, one over a month. Also,
my regular OB Dr.
Choy came in and said she thinks I might have to stay till the girls arrive. Which probably isn't a bad idea. I mean, someone makes me breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just eat and sleep and don't have to come up with an excuse why I didn't fix my hair today. Maybe Dusty was right and I should consider it a vacation. We will see what tomorrow brings.
Thanks for everyone who is keeping us in their thoughts and prayers. These two little ones are going to be surrounded by a life full of happiness and joy, just hopefully, not for another few weeks.
And just for an even funnier twist on these events, you can read Deb's version of what happened. She is a much better writer than me and much funnier.