Dear Baby A and Baby B,
I know you think you are ready to meet everyone, and trust me, they can't wait to meet you, but I need you to hang in there a little longer.
1.Your dad still seems to be travelling and mom can't do this on her own.
2. You don't want to have to stay in the hospital that long so you need to get bigger.
3. Your crib isn't put together and the floor isn't that comfortable.
4. Dad still hasn't bought mom the glider she wants so mom is going to be very grumpy when you wake her in the middle of the night.
5. Aunt Deb is going to be out of town a lot over the next few weeks and she won't be happy if she misses your arrival.
6. Mom and Dad still haven't taken pregnancy pictures.
7. We haven't had a talk to Simba about how his nice quiet life is about to change.
8. Dad is still looking for a shotgun to prepare for when you start dating.
9. Mom is still not sure she can do this without passing out.
and finally 10. Do you really want your names to be Baby A and Baby B?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Just for Aunt Debs

Here are the pictures from the 3D ultrasound we did on Saturday. Someone who will remain un-names (unless you look at the title on the post) made me get out of bed, find the cd, and post the pics for everyone to see. I think she was just a little jealous because Preggo #2 brought me chicken nuggets for dinner and got to the see the pics before her. ;-)
The pictures aren't quite what I was expecting. They take the pictures and then cut out parts to get a better view so sometimes they look a little strange. We were lucky enough to have both our moms there to share the experience.

Monday, February 21, 2011
Simba and the Girls
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Schnoodle Day brought me down
Oh Schnoodle Day. How I love thee, but this year you brought me down.
For those of you who are not familiar with Schnoodle Day, it began when my "favorite" team, t.u. was playing in the national championship game and as Colt McCoy was leaving field after an injury, we (the girls in the room) noticed his pants were completely see through. The next thing you hear is the announcer saying "Cause everyone loves a bog man". Hence, after some long discussions, it was decided it needed a holiday. Thus, Schnoodle Day became the Wednesday after Valentines Day with the motto "Cause everyone loves a bog man".
Now you may ask what in the world this has to do with being pregnant. Well, it is because you have to celebrate Schnoodle Day with cake and lots of chocolate. So, for Bunco last night Deborah bought a red velvet cake and lots of Girl Scout Cookies (some a little older than others). I tried my hardest to not eat sweets but how can you not have a piece of cake when it's Schnoodle Day? Needless to say, today I feel like crap. Thanks Schnoodle Day. Can't wait till next year when I can really celebrate.
For those of you who are not familiar with Schnoodle Day, it began when my "favorite" team, t.u. was playing in the national championship game and as Colt McCoy was leaving field after an injury, we (the girls in the room) noticed his pants were completely see through. The next thing you hear is the announcer saying "Cause everyone loves a bog man". Hence, after some long discussions, it was decided it needed a holiday. Thus, Schnoodle Day became the Wednesday after Valentines Day with the motto "Cause everyone loves a bog man".
Now you may ask what in the world this has to do with being pregnant. Well, it is because you have to celebrate Schnoodle Day with cake and lots of chocolate. So, for Bunco last night Deborah bought a red velvet cake and lots of Girl Scout Cookies (some a little older than others). I tried my hardest to not eat sweets but how can you not have a piece of cake when it's Schnoodle Day? Needless to say, today I feel like crap. Thanks Schnoodle Day. Can't wait till next year when I can really celebrate.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A Valentines to Remember
One would think Dusty and I would do something spectacular for Valentines Day. I went to work for the morning and ended up staying way longer than I had planned.I had stopped by Kohls on the way home to get a new bra. now, let me start by saying, 7 months ago I was a 32A. Today, I purchased my first 36B. For all you out there who are anything but 32A consider yourself lucky. Usually when I go bra shopping, choices are pretty limited. Actually, it is more like the left over pieces of material they had from all the cool bras got combined into a lot of crappy bras for the little ones out there like me. This however was not the case this time around. I had any bra, style, color, fabric to chose from. It was amazing! It was like a little kid in a candy store and I envy all you out there who have those options all the time. But, for one day, I felt like that little kid and was loving it!
By the time, I got home from what was supposed to be 2 hours of work but ended up being 4 hours of work, lunch, Kohls and of course a stop at Petco to buy a friend for the fish tank, I was completely exhausted. I took a nap and was pretty hungry when I woke up. Surprise surprise... Of course with it being Valentines, we knew all the nice restaurants would be packed and I was starving so I suggested Double Daves. I thought this would be an easy option for Dusty but turns out that is not the case. This turned in to a 20 minute conversation about if Double Dave's would be crowded or not because it was Valentine's Day. Only a guy would think people would actually go to a pizza buffet on Valentine's Day. Contrary to what Dusty thought, we went anyway and enjoyed a great pizza buffet with one other person in the restaurant.
By the time, I got home from what was supposed to be 2 hours of work but ended up being 4 hours of work, lunch, Kohls and of course a stop at Petco to buy a friend for the fish tank, I was completely exhausted. I took a nap and was pretty hungry when I woke up. Surprise surprise... Of course with it being Valentines, we knew all the nice restaurants would be packed and I was starving so I suggested Double Daves. I thought this would be an easy option for Dusty but turns out that is not the case. This turned in to a 20 minute conversation about if Double Dave's would be crowded or not because it was Valentine's Day. Only a guy would think people would actually go to a pizza buffet on Valentine's Day. Contrary to what Dusty thought, we went anyway and enjoyed a great pizza buffet with one other person in the restaurant.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Showers of Fun
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Made it through Round #2 of Bed Rest
Thanks again to all my great friends for getting me through the last week. I went back to Dr. Rowe on Friday and he said my levels had gone down and things were looking good. He also did a test to see if I would go in to labor in the next two weeks. We had to wait for him to call us with the results (talk about nerve-wracking). He finally called around 6:30pm and said the results were negative. That is great news because we still have so many things to do.
Current to-do list: (I say current because it seems to grow daily)
Current to-do list: (I say current because it seems to grow daily)
- Shower #2 tomorrow
- Choosing names - apparently Dusty and I don't agree on anything
- Shopping for things we didn't get on the registry
- Washing baby clothes - one of Dusty's favorite past times
- Finish the nursery - it is painted... does that count???
- Packing for the hospital - the girls bag is bigger than mine... just more proof that they take after Dusty more than me
I think reality is finally sinking in. Yes, I know. One would think after everything I have been through in the last 7 months, it would have sunk in sooner.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
27 weeks and hopefully quite a few more to go
Tuesday I ventured back to Dr. Rowe's office for my appointment. I took Deb with me basically because she threatened my life if I had these girls before taking her to see an ultrasound. I felt it was in my and the girls best interest to take her along. Turns out he was running behind because he had done an emergency c-section on a mom with twins who was 27 weeks/2 days. That will make you stop and think.
Basically the fluid levels were back up so he put me back on bed rest and medicine for three days. I go back tomorrow to see if it helped.
Last time he told me my blood sugar levels were normal so I thought it was ok to have a few sweets. Apparently, dessert at the SEEC reception on Friday, brownie at Landry's on Saturday and coke float on Sunday don't fall in to the "few" treats category. So I was cut-off again from sugar. Somewhere in the world this must constitute as cruel and unusual punishment especially with Valentine's right around the corner.
The other difficult part is Dusty is out of town, but luckily I have an amazing group of friends who have been bringing me lunch and dinner every day. I really think it is just their secret way of making sure I am staying in bed but I'm not complaining. The person who might be though is Dusty because he has some HUGE shoes to fill when he comes home tonight.
Basically the fluid levels were back up so he put me back on bed rest and medicine for three days. I go back tomorrow to see if it helped.
Last time he told me my blood sugar levels were normal so I thought it was ok to have a few sweets. Apparently, dessert at the SEEC reception on Friday, brownie at Landry's on Saturday and coke float on Sunday don't fall in to the "few" treats category. So I was cut-off again from sugar. Somewhere in the world this must constitute as cruel and unusual punishment especially with Valentine's right around the corner.
The other difficult part is Dusty is out of town, but luckily I have an amazing group of friends who have been bringing me lunch and dinner every day. I really think it is just their secret way of making sure I am staying in bed but I'm not complaining. The person who might be though is Dusty because he has some HUGE shoes to fill when he comes home tonight.
Creative Onesies
I know. I know. I finally got around to posting the photos of the creative onesies everyone made at the shower. We have on the left the sports group. The best part is that on the back of the blue one it says "I love you Daddy!"
Of course, we have the math and science onesies.
Then, we have the cute and trouble-maker group of onesies.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
26 weeks
Today we went to the doctor and she told me I measured the size of a full-term normal pregnancy. Probably not the best news to hear with at least 6 more weeks to go. She suggested I try to work remotely as much as possible to stay off my feet.
I also showed her my ankle. Apparently, last Thursday I forgot how to walk and twisted my ankle when I missed the last step of a set of stairs. Our intern pointed out that clearly it wasn't my fault since I couldn't see the step. I completely agreed.
I also showed her my ankle. Apparently, last Thursday I forgot how to walk and twisted my ankle when I missed the last step of a set of stairs. Our intern pointed out that clearly it wasn't my fault since I couldn't see the step. I completely agreed.
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