Yep. It's true. Someone decided we weren't challenged enough with the twins so added another whirlwind of a surprise to our world. I think Dusty was secretly hoping for a boy to help even out the household but Dr. Rowe's swears it's another girl which is fine with me.
I found out on Dusty's birthday. I had been feeling sick for about a month and a half and it didn't even dawn on me I might be pregnant till someone in my office said I didn't look good and asked if I was pregnant. Of course, my reaction was "Heck no" but then as I made the drive home, all the pieces started falling in place. I actually started to cry on the way to buy the test for several reasons. One... obviously the hormones were already kicking in. Two... because, are you kidding me, I'm 37... but the main one was that I knew Suzy was looking down on me laughing so hard she was crying. I remember the day she told me she was 5 months pregnant and I laughed because who doesn't know they are pregnant... yeah, the irony...Suzy Gregory... you got the last laugh as always...
When Dusty got home from work, I told him I had his birthday present for him, had him close his eyes and when he opened them, I showed him the test. The first thing out of his mouth was "Ha ha. You borrowed that from Erin (our friend who had just told us a few weeks earlier, she was pregnant). My only thought was that's gross, who loans out pee sticks? But then again, apparently you can buy them on ebay so must be a popular item. Who would have thought?
I was pretty sick in the beginning and even on the pump again but by week 14, I had stopped it and things seem to be pretty normal since then. You know, tired, uncomfortable, hungry every two hours and bathroom breaks on the hour but I can deal with that compared to last time.
The girls are super excited about their baby sister. This was after Aunt Debs had convinced them it was a baby brother and his name was Jesus. Brylee still asks about Jesus every now and then. It's cute. So, as we prepare for baby girl #3, prepare yourself for the blog updates and pics to come soon!
The Twins
Brylee Elizabeth and Brooklyn Marie Cejka
Monday, October 14, 2013
Monday, October 15, 2012
It's always a good day
Yesterday was a complete disaster. We attempted to have a happy day at the in-laws and from the beginning, it was a disaster.
Everyone woke up fussy (including Dusty). No one wanted to eat breakfast. Once we got in the car, it started raining and the concept of morning naps went out the window. Due to the length of the trip, lunch time fell right in the middle of the drive so we proceeded to attempt to eat turkey which got thrown on the floor, cheese which got shoved in between the seats and applesauce which got spit out everywhere… which reminds me I probably need to clean my car today.
We got there and Brooklyn still hadn’t taken a morning nap and then decided to skip her afternoon nap as well. This was after she was sitting on the bed, leaned over to pick up a toy and tumbled down on the tile. Brooklyn was outside playing with the water hose and Brylee decided to turn the concrete pavement into a slip and slide and now looks like Rudolph with a huge scrap on her nose and forehead. We finally decided to throw in the towel and head home around 5pm. We hadn’t even made it out of the driveway and both were sound asleep. Of course, that didn’t last long and we woke up screaming so we had to pull over on the side of I-10 so the child that was hyperventilating could catch her breath. I finally gave in and let Brooklyn have the ipad and Brylee my phone. 5 minutes later my new iphone case that I just got replaced because Brooklyn threw it over the upstairs rail and shattered it, was now broke again. At least the guy at the Whataburger drive-thru was nice and complimented us on our two well-behaved children… (that was the only 5 minutes of the day they were good).
By the time we got home, we took them upstairs to the playroom, sat on the floor and just stared at the wall in disbelief. Luckily, they went to bed on time and so did mom and dad.
With all that being said, I still sit here and when I think of yesterday, I can’t help but giggle. That morning as we were getting ready to leave, Dusty wanted to go back inside to get an extra pacifier. He stepped out of the car and as I told him not to worry about it, I pushed the button to close the garage door. He insisted on getting it so tried to squeeze under the garage door as it was shutting. Sensing something was in the way, it started to go back up; however, the back of Dusty’s t-shirt had gotten caught on the door and as it is going back up… there goes Dusty attached to the garage door. As I sat in the front seat of the car giggling to myself and angry that I didn’t have a video camera, I hear Brylee from the back seat with her famous phrase… “Uh-oh” and she is pointing at Dusty…. All in all, I love them and their cuteness and no matter how bad they behave, it is still always a good day.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Damn I suck at this...
I really suck. I finally decided to log back on and see when I last wrote on the girls' blog. Where did the last six months go? Oh yeah, I have twins...
So much has happened in the last six months. Here are some of the highlights.
So much has happened in the last six months. Here are some of the highlights.
- We sleep in our own cribs now and we finally got them out of our room. We started out with both cribs in the same room because of course they would want to sleep together... Yeah right. I'm sure this is just the beginning of wanting their own space. But whatever it is, works for now so we are going with it. Strange part is when the cribs were in our room, Brylee slept through the night and Brooklyn woke up several times. Since they have moved upstairs, they have also switched roles. Lucky us.
- We love eating! Brooklyn's favorites seem to be, well pretty much everything. She eats what she has and usually finishes Brylee's too but seems to really like blueberries. Brylee's favorites are carbs. They both love watermelon and strawberries.
- Whenever we hear a plane, we point in the sky. You can also ask them where the plane is and they will point to the sky. We also know where our belly button, piggies (toes) and nose are.
- We can wave. Usually only happens when someone is leaving and then followed by a lot of screaming. Yes, we still have abandonment issues.
- We went on our first cruise. Chris, Michelle, Deborah, Kathy and Sandy were all brave enough to join in the fun. It went pretty well. Dinner time not so well. But the girls and their wagon were a hit on the boat.
- The shuttle stopped in Houston on a ferry flight to California and the girls got to come see it!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
WOW... One Year Down
Wow! A year ago today I was sitting in the hospital with absolutely no idea how much my life was about to change in the over the next 24 hours. I was feeling great, super excited that today was finally shower day (after 5 days without one) and getting ready for a long hospital stay. Oh how I was so wrong….
Instead, I welcomed in to the world two beautiful angels (even though it would be another 24 hours till I actually felt good enough to go see them in NICU) and life couldn’t get better. Today…
· Brooklyn has 8 teeth and Brylee is catching up with 4.
· They are both crawling like crazy and pulling themselves up and standing on anything they can hold on to.
· Brooklyn can take about 4 steps before crashing. Brylee is a little too top heavy for that just yet.
· We have a wide array of nicknames for both. Some have come and gone... like Piglet and Poo (yes, there is no “h”, hence you can probably guess where there name came from). Some have slightly stuck… like Feather and Chunk. But apparently Brylee Bear and Brookee have stuck the most (although really not crazy about Brookee so we are welcoming any new names)
· We are getting ready for the girls first birthday party this weekend. Dusty is holding fast that they really don’t need a party because they won’t remember it. Then he decided he wanted a Hello Kitty piƱata. Man, if only I could find one of those…
· But most of all, they are growing like crazy and can’t wait for Year #2!
Instead, I welcomed in to the world two beautiful angels (even though it would be another 24 hours till I actually felt good enough to go see them in NICU) and life couldn’t get better. Today…
· Brooklyn has 8 teeth and Brylee is catching up with 4.
· They are both crawling like crazy and pulling themselves up and standing on anything they can hold on to.
· Brooklyn can take about 4 steps before crashing. Brylee is a little too top heavy for that just yet.
· We have a wide array of nicknames for both. Some have come and gone... like Piglet and Poo (yes, there is no “h”, hence you can probably guess where there name came from). Some have slightly stuck… like Feather and Chunk. But apparently Brylee Bear and Brookee have stuck the most (although really not crazy about Brookee so we are welcoming any new names)
· We are getting ready for the girls first birthday party this weekend. Dusty is holding fast that they really don’t need a party because they won’t remember it. Then he decided he wanted a Hello Kitty piƱata. Man, if only I could find one of those…
· But most of all, they are growing like crazy and can’t wait for Year #2!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Get out of my box!

The girls love sitting in Simba’s box. I think sometimes they crawl in and just wait for him to come in and see them in it, then start giggling. They are still pretty wobbly and usually it is Brooklyn that falls and hits her head on something, but last weekend, Brylee took a pretty bad fall and hit the corner of the box. It looks like she got in a fight... at least she won.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Wow! What happend to the last two months?
Somehow we flew by the last two months and it's already 2012. Someone asked me last week "so when is the birthday party going to be?" and I responded "who's having a birthday?" So, I guess I need to start planning for that...Christmas went well. The girls loved playing with the bows and wrapping paper... presents not so much but that will come in time. Tracy took some amazing pictures of them that I absolutely love!

Brylee still only has one tooth while Brookly is sporting 8. They are crawling on everything. Pulling on up on anything within reach and tumbling down just as fast. There isn't a day that goes by that Brooklyn doesn't have a bruise somewhere on her.

Brylee still only has one tooth while Brookly is sporting 8. They are crawling on everything. Pulling on up on anything within reach and tumbling down just as fast. There isn't a day that goes by that Brooklyn doesn't have a bruise somewhere on her.
Monday, December 5, 2011
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